• Technique et diagnostic automobile

La réponse pratique aux exigences croissantes en matière de formation : compétences diagnostiques essentielles pour les voitures particulières, les véhicules utilitaires et les machines agricoles et de construction.

Innovative Hybrid and Electric Vehicle (HEV/EV) Training

One Stop Solution with IMI & LN for Electric Vehicle Training & Qualification

EV, ADAS & Bus Systems: The All-in-One Solution for Automotive Training

Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI) - International qualification for the mobilty of tomorrow

Hybrid and Electric Vehicles with CarTrain | Impression

CarTrain Hybrid and Electric Vehicles Training System | Product Presentation

Hybrid & Electric Vehicles: Real Experience Learning CarTrain Labsoft Course

Level 3S: Diagnosis & Maintenance of an HV battery according to DGUV 209-093 CarTrain | Impression

Diagnosis and Maintenance of a HV Battery with CarTrain | Product Presentation

The Fuel Cell in Vehicles with UniTrain | Impression

Electric Drive in Cars, Commercial Vehicles and Two-Wheelers with UniTrain | Impression

LS3: HV Battery ASE L3, IMI EV 4 Diagnostic competences DGUV 209-093 CarTrain | Product Presentation

Accident assistance & recovery of HV vehicles: CarTrain training system for your automotive training

Level S2 H/EV & ASE L3, IMI EV Diagnosis of DGUV 209-093 with our CarTrain | Product Presentation

CarTrain Diagnosis and Repair: How it revolutionizes HV Training!

CarTrain Diagnosis and Repair: The Revolution in HV Training | Impression

CarTrain Diagnosis and Repair: How it revolutionizes HV Training! | Impression

Immersive Insight into our Electric Training Vehicle | 360° Video

EV Training | Overview of the hands-on training concept from Lucas-Nuelle

Learn about Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) with our Training Systems

UniTrain: The modern training system for driver assistance systems | Impression

EV, ADAS & Bus Systems: The All-in-One Solution for Automotive Training

Gesture control in action - UniTrain for advanced driver assistance systems | Product Presentation

Lidar - the revolutionary driver assistance system with UniTrain | Product Presentation

Focus on Conventional Automotive Technology

EV, ADAS & Bus Systems: The All-in-One Solution for Automotive Training

Sensors, open and closed-loop systems with CarTrain | Impression

Insight Automotive

Smart Relays in High Voltage Batteries (EV) | Deep Dive

We look at ADAS Calibration | Deep Dive

Electric Motors Explained | Deep Dive

EV/HEV Interlocks Explained: Everything You Need to Know | Deep Dive

All about Fuel Cells in Vehicles | Deep Dive

HEV/EV Training for First Responders: Essential Skills | Deep Dive

ADAS Technology Explained - with our Training Systems (USA) | Webinar

Hybrid & Electric Vehicle Training Systems: Everything You Need to Know | Webinar

High Voltage Batteries Diagnosis & Repair Training (USA) | Webinar

ASE L3 Certification for HEV Technicians (USA) | Webinar

EV - ADAS - ICE Technology & Networked Systems: Complete Automotive Training | Webinar

Diagnosis and Maintenance of a High Voltage Battery | Webinar

Hybrid and Electric Vehicles Training | Webinar

Fuel Cells in Vehicles: How They Work and Why They Matter | Deep Dive

CAN Bus in Vehicles: A Complete Guide to the Fundamentals | Deep Dive

Thermal Fuses (E-Bulb) – The Smallest Fire Extinguisher in HV Batterie | Deep Dive

Days of the Automotive Instructor | LN Events

Automotive | How To

Hybrid & Electric Vehicles with our CarTrain | How to

Fuel cell in motor vehicles with UniTrain | Commissioning

CarTrain Training System: Instruction Videos for Hybrid and Electric Vehicles

Start-up your CarTrain Training System

Setting up the High Voltage System with CarTrain

Ready-Mode with CarTrain

Using the Touch Screen of our CarTrain Training System

Charging the Batteries with our CarTrain Training System

Hybrid & Electric Vehicle LabSoft Curriculum with our CarTrain Training System

Diagnose of an Insulation Fault on an Electric Vehicle or HEV with CarTrain